NO SIN UNPUNISHED is a horror film from production house King Windom.
NO SIN UNPUNISHED is a horror film from production house King Windom. Developed by director Matt Green (Digging Up Graves), the film focuses on Taryn. Abused in a foster home, Taryn is killed to keep her quiet. From the grave, Taryn seeks the help of a clairvoyant, to uncover the secret of her death.
NO SIN UNPUNISHED stars: Jonathan Horne (Your Worst Nightmare), Amber Erwin (The Gifted), Krissy Notes, Ron Prather and Alonzo Ward.
Synopsis: Taryn Melwood was abused as a teen by Sheriff John Stone, her foster father. Now a young adult, Taryn is trying to pull her life together when the sexually-obsessed Stone stalks and kills her. In the three days between her death and ghostly eternal-afterlife, her spirit bonds with the clairvoyant Hero, when he contacts her. Taryn and Hero must race the clock to expose Stone as the abuser and murderer so she can have a peaceful afterlife.
NO SIN UNPUNISHED will release this January, in the U.S through Monarch Home Entertainment.