Harms Way Studios presents WILD HUNT, a new short creepy Christmas film.
Harms Way Studios Launch presents Wild Hunt, a new short creepy Christmas film.
Wild Hunt stars Tess Clarke, Charlotte Wallis, Carys Jones, Aaron Liburd, Kirstie Gregory, David Roome with James Kay and the voice of Jack Frank.
WILD HUNT is written and directed by Hendrik Harms
Mixing ancient Germanic yuletide lore with our modern ideas of Christmas, Wild Hunt subverts usual Xmas tropes whilst still carrying through the message of family and love, albeit in an eerie way.
Written and directed by Hendrik Harms with a blistering score by Elliot Hardman, stunning visuals from cinematographer Elliot Wallis, incredible make-up effects by Geena Dinnis and an original song from Poppy WS, this is will soon become a festive favourite.
"When Maggie's sister is taken, she must endure an ancient yuletide tradition in the hopes of getting her back.”
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