Small Town Monsters, the independent documentary production company known for exploring cryptid legends, is set to release its latest film, 'ON THE TRAIL OF BIGFOOT: THE ANCIENTS,' exclusively on Prime Video on September 10th. Directed by Seth Breedlove, this new installment of the On the Trail series delves into the rich folklore and mysterious history of the Smoky Mountains in search of Sasquatch.
Fans of the series can also grab the Blu-ray and DVD editions, available exclusively from Small Town Monsters’ online shop, following the VOD release. The film features never-before-seen interviews with eyewitnesses, expert researchers, and local historians, promising to offer a fresh perspective on the Sasquatch phenomenon.
Exploring Sasquatch in the Smoky Mountains
In 'ON THE TRAIL OF BIGFOOT: THE ANCIENTS,' Seth Breedlove and his father, Ronnie, return to their ancestral roots in the Smoky Mountains. Joined by a team of seasoned Sasquatch researchers including Matt Pruitt, Russ Jones, and experts such as Micah Hanks, Adam Davies, and Jeff Carpenter, the documentary dives deep into family history, folklore, and modern-day sightings of the legendary creature.
The documentary not only tracks down the myth of Sasquatch but also uncovers surprising revelations about the Breedlove family’s connection to the region’s history. Featuring stunning cinematography, eyewitness accounts, and on-the-ground exploration, this film is a must-watch for Bigfoot enthusiasts and documentary lovers alike.
Watch the Official Trailer
The official trailer for 'ON THE TRAIL OF BIGFOOT: THE ANCIENTS' is now live, offering viewers a glimpse of what to expect from this captivating journey through the Smoky Mountains. Catch the full film on Prime Video starting September 10th.