The acclaimed surreal film LIFE IN THE XXI CENTURY (2021) is making its VHS debut in the USA and UK on September 1st, 2024. This medium-length film (42 minutes) by Iosu Vakerizzo has already made waves in the festival circuit, with 30 nominations and 7 wins.
VHS Revival: As VHS enjoys a nostalgic comeback, LIFE IN THE XXI CENTURY will be available on limited-edition tapes. US buyers can purchase the NTSC format via Terror Tapes, while UK and EU collectors can get the PAL format through Party's Over Records.
Critical Acclaim: Praised as "raw, audacious, and poetic" by Sans Raison Film Festival and described as "a hypnotic fantasy wonderland" by Film Maudit 2.0, the film offers a unique viewing experience.
Where to Buy: Order your VHS copy starting September 1st:
USA (NTSC format): Terror Tapes - Order Here
UK/EU (PAL format): Party's Over Records - Order Here