Lion Heart Distribution has released the horror/thriller DEMON BEHIND THE GLASS on Digital and On Demand! Directed by Joshua Recene, this film follows a journalist who discovers a decaying corpse in his rented home, leading to a sinister plot by a clan of demons hunting new prey.
Cast: Adam Holley, Jessica Nogaret Sedelmeyer, Joshua Sedelmeyer, Tim O’Hearn, Jan Deangelo, Janna Holley, and JW Kiefer.
Accolades: Premiered at the Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival, winning the Michael O’Hear Award for Outstanding West New York Feature. Praised by as "an original take on a demon tale with wonderful effects."
Official Synopsis: A fallen journalist seeks redemption in upstate New York but uncovers a deadly secret in his rented home. As gruesome incidents unfold, he must navigate a web of evil orchestrated by demons. Can he survive their hunt?
DEMON BEHIND THE GLASS Iis available for streaming now!