'DAN HAWK PSYCHIC DETECTIVE' is directed by Ben Shockley and Steve Thomas
Outline: Dan Hawk, a former detective who became an author, is brought back to the police force upon his return to his hometown. A serial killer has adopted the identity of Hawk's most notable fictional character, starting a spree of murders, targeting individuals one at a time.
DAN HAWK PSYCHIC DETECTIVE was made in partnership with students from The EDGE, Folkestone College.
DAN HAWK PSYCHIC DETECTIVE is available now courtesy of MY Spotlight Independent
Watch Now on Amazon Prime (paid link)
While 'DAN HAWK PSYCHIC DETECTIVE' was in production, BritFlicks had the opportunity to delve into the behind-the-scenes world of this UK independent film. It was especially rewarding to witness students from The EDGE, Folkestone College, gaining practical experience in filmmaking.