Tim Sutton's violent western THE LAST SON, will be available on UK Digital platforms 8th August from 101 Films UK.
Synopsis: It’s the bleakest of winters and LeMay (Worthington) arrives on horseback in the Sierra Nevada foothills, armed to the hilt for his mission… to kill the last of his children, two heirs he fathered with prostitutes and relinquished responsibility for.
He believes evil is hereditary and in a strange, inexplicable act of social conscience, has taken it upon himself to wipe his wicked family line from the earth. But it’s not long before LeMay discovers he has a third child, a twin, Cal (Baker)nwho is a terrifying manifestation of his fears...
True to form, Cal is rampaging with his band of no-good, gun-toting sidekicks. Having brutally massacred his old commanding officer and robbed a bank with a stolen gun worth a small fortune, Cal is on the run and headed for more trouble. His first stop is his mother (Graham), who he’s determined make rethink her profession, whatever it takes...