Based on true events, a traumatized English teacher embarks on an existential journey...
Following the sudden death of his best friend in 2013, estrangement from his family in 2014 and redundancy terminating his teaching career in 2015, writer/director Brett Gregory suffered a complete emotional, psychological and spiritual breakdown, and subsequently withdrew from wider society.
He returned in 2016 however with a strange yet compelling story of his experience: the visions he had seen, the voices he had heard, the versions of himself he had met. In turn, on his hard drive, there was a 120-page screenplay entitled, ‘Nobody Loves You and You Don’t Deserve to Exist’.
While still quite possessed, Brett then began the process of searching through Greater Manchester to find members of a singular film crew who would help him to tell this story in the most vivid and memorable way possible. There were only two catches: there was no money and no schedule.
Now, 5 years later, in 2021, people who have seen early cuts of NOBODY LOVES YOU AND YOU DON’T DESERVE TO EXIST are genuinely starting to ask out loud whether this production is one of the most ambitious micro-budget feature films ever made.