Set at the beginning of last year’s lockdown, THE LOCKDOWN HAUNTINGS is a fast-paced mix of paranormal horror and detective thriller...
Set at the beginning of last year’s lockdown, THE LOCKDOWN HAUNTINGS is a fast-paced mix of paranormal horror and detective thriller, that sees the evil spirit of a dead serial killer stalking his victims who are stuck in their homes alone during the Covid epidemic.
How do you stop a serial killer who’s already dead?
Synopsis: During a global lockdown the streets are empty, free from activity of humans, it is not just nature that takes advantage of this unprecedented time. Spirits are free to roam, some with evil intent and one, a notorious serial killer, is back from the dead.
Can the paranormal experts and detectives piece together how to prevent more young women, isolated and alone during lockdown, from becoming another victim of The Lockdown Hauntings?
Award-winning director Howard J. Ford, pulls out all the stops to deliver a jolt-filled, creepy and highly entertaining shocker.
Award-winning director Howard J. Ford, (who directed/co-wrote zombie hits and FrightFest favorites The Dead and The Dead 2) pulls out all the stops to deliver a jolt-filled, creepy and highly entertaining shocker, despite having to make the film during the lockdown restrictions - not that you’ll notice, as you’ll be too busy hiding behind the sofa during the running time. Ford's assembled a fantastic cast, including horror legend Tony Todd (Candyman, Hatchet), Angela Dixon (Never Let Go), Heather Peace (Silent Witness), Jon Campling (Harry Potter), Sarah-Jane Potts (Kinky Boots), and Emily Haigh (G-Loc, The Dare).
THE LOCKDOWN HAUNTINGS is released on Digital Platforms 3rd May 2021.