A DOLL DISTORTED is an incredibly dark and powerful short film...
A DOLL DISTORTED is an incredibly dark and powerful short film, with a haunting climax that will stay with you long after. It deals with themes of loneliness, isolation and the “fear of touch” – something many people can relate to now more than ever. A DOLL DISTORTED had a terrific run on the festival circuit -- selected for over 60 festivals and winner of over 12 Jury Awards. It was BAFTA & OSCAR qualified.
A DOLL DISTORTED was made by Niall Shukla and a lighting assistant.
What’s also remarkable is that it was made with only a crew of 2 people. Niall Shukla was the writer, director, editor, producer, set designer, sound designer, VFX artist, composer and cinematographer. He had only 1 other crew member – a lighting assistant.
Logline: Jane suffers from haphephobia (the pathological fear of touch), tormented by years of loneliness and isolation she orders a synthetic love doll online to nightmarish consequences.