Evolutionary Films will launch TRIBAL GET OUT ALIVE with an exclusive online premiere event on 10th August in advance of its nationwide UK release on 17th August 2020.
Billed as an action/horror flick, starring martial arts master, Zara Pythian, and action/character actor favourite, Ross O’ Henessy, (Game of Thrones) TRIBAL GET OUT ALIVE, is a cut above, (groan) the usual slasher gore flicks.
There are several reasons for this, but the main one is its leading actors, who form a tight buddy relationship that’s believable and credibly played right from the off.
Zara Pythian is a revelation for those who’ve not come across her before. A much-decorated Martial arts Queen, she displays a serious kick ass ability on screen too, and she can act. With someone whose timing is superbly honed already, that’s perhaps not surprising, but when paired with Ross O’ Henessy’s classical acting skills, the result is a snappy, tight performance from both on the kicking and acting front.
Shamelessly commercial, this is a film designed for a Saturday night romp with mates, and it delivers its top-notch delights, thanks to a commendable script from debut writer Johnny Walker. Writing a horror/action screenplay successfully is one of the toughest writing jobs there is, and yet it is still overlooked by so many film makers. It takes a gift for structure, drama and story, and a crafted, practised, technical approach to writing, to build good suspense. TRIBAL GET OUT ALIVE’s screenplay delivers all of it. The support characters, especially the weasely Richard Kenning, played with relish by actor and producer, Thomas Dodd are also good. However, it is the lead characters of Caitlin and Brad who shine and lead us all the way down into this particular chamber of horrors. With a structure very much like a maze, as in, ‘once you’re in you’re never getting out,‘ the atmosphere is grimy and vile.
The lighting is dark, and provides a believably scary back drop for the twists and turns of the plot. Lensed by Ste Webster, it’s spot on for this genre, and covered well. Again, this always needs planning to get right, but here, all the fight sequences have benefitted from it. The acting and the action shine equally.
So, sit back, lap-straps on, beer in hand and off we go! This is a great little ride, and also the right length for a film like this at 87 minutes. Much longer, the suspense goes, or, you need more character and psychological development. However, TRIBAL GET OUT ALIVE, hits the sweet spot. Ideal for a ‘B’ flick before or after a big budget special, and fans of the genre will love it anytime. The film is a well-produced, entertaining ride in a genre splice notoriously hard to pull off with a low-ish budget. This has been achieved, and it is hoped will pave the way for more adventures with Brad and Caitlin. Go get ‘em tigers!

Evolutionary Films will launch TRIBAL GET OUT ALIVE with an exclusive online premiere event on 10th August in advance of its nationwide UK release on 17th August 2020.
TRIBAL GET OUT ALIVE digital premiere details►https://bit.ly/TribalPremiere
Jane Foster