The story of a young woman discovering extraordinary powers, in an oppressive city where magic is forbidden...
The story of a young woman discovering extraordinary powers, in an oppressive city where magic is forbidden, this is a beautifully filmed and lavishly produced spectacle, with some superbly exciting action sequences and dazzling special effects. The film stars Eddie Marsan (BIFA winner for Vera Drake and Happy-Go-Lucky), and striking newcomer Tinatin Dalakishvili in the lead role.
Like Harry Potter and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, the film conjures up a wonderfully involving magical world, and whisks the audience on a breathless, and sometimes scary, adventure that they won’t want to end.
Synopsis: In another world, not unlike our own, a young woman named Abigail lives in a city whose borders were closed many years ago because of a mysterious disease. Her beloved academic father was one of the sick and, like many, mysteriously taken away when she was six years old. Now grown, Abigail is determined to find her father and discover the real secrets lurking beneath the surface of her world.
When she unexpectedly encounters citizens playing with spells, she discovers her city is filled with forbidden sorcery, and she herself possesses extraordinary magical powers. Abigail takes us on an exciting magical adventure, rising against the forces in command, and shows how being brave and following your heart can show anything is possible, if you just believe it.
MAGICAL ADVENTURES IN THE FORBIDDEN CITY will be released on DVD & Digital 21st September 2020