Don't get LockDown Fever! Use That Negative Energy & Time To Make A Film!
Think you could be the next Quentin Tarantino? Do you want to find out if you could be as good as Kathryn Bigelow, write characters with the skill of Scorsese, or give a performance to challenge Joaquin Phoenix? Maybe comedy is your bag and have the next Cornetto trilogy in you? Whatever you love about cinema and if you’ve never made a film, then now’s the time.
Use that lock-down energy.
Get your phone out.
And express yourself through the greatest media of all…FILM.
Whether you’re a pro shooting on an Alexa, an amateur shooting on their phone, young, old, middle-aged…we want to see what you can make of todays’ challenging times. Comedy, drama, horror, crime, sci-fi, documentary, whatever is your thing we want to see it.
So. If you always thought you’ve had that ‘one film in you’, then get to it and get your camera out.
What are you waiting for?
Entries close 23.59 on Wednesday 20th May 2020.
All films selected will be added to the LockDown Film Fest YouTube Channel
All films must have started production no earlier than March 22nd, 2020
If not in English, please supply subtitles
The Winners will be notified via social media & email
2 x categories: Filmmaker and Amateur. (Categories will be added depending on the amount of entries)
No use of copyrighted music or content without permission from the rights holder.
Maximum length 3 mins.
Film Theme: LockDown.
Send films in an MP4 format
By sending us your film you give us permission to host them on YouTube.
Open to UK and International filmmakers
We cannot give individual feedback on submissions.
Entries close 23.59 on Wednesday 13th May 2020. With selected films announced and going live on 25th May 2019.
To enter a film please contact us below:
To enter a film please email with the following info:
Or submit via Film Freeway.